Boat Harbour Beach Surf Life Saving Club
In Progress
Boat Harbour Beach is an absolutely stunning location but lacks amenity. The proposal creates a destination in the region offering a new cafe, kiosk, public amenities, gym, slsc member change rooms and gear storage plus a community multi-purpose spaces with associated decks, bar and kitchenette facilities. We have worked closely with Play St (Landscape Architects) to provide a holistic site strategy for building siting, foreshore/play zones and site levels/terracing. The redevelopment also includes a major civil component - re-routing all traffic through the area and giving preference to green space in front of the building and shifting all car parking to the rear.
We have been working closely with the WaratahWynyard Council and the BHBSLSC Project Working Group to complete the Planning Approval documents which have just been submitted! Woohoo!
As you drive into the town you weave your way down coastal cliff edges, viewing the site from an elevated perspective before entering the collection of fibro shacks and beach houses. We have designed the cafe/amenities building as a low, separated building with a grass roof to greet visitors upon arrival to the beach. The bulk of the program is then tightly tetrised together into two buildings broken by a glazed link and chamfered to reduce apparent bulk and scale. The main roof dances over the building, as a refined hip to the rear and picking up as offset gables at the front to accentuate the beach view from the internal spaces. Concrete and silvered timber will provide durability and low maintenance on this harsh coastline. We are incredibly proud to be working on such as significant project.